Paket Maxi Hotel & Igra & Spa nudi popolno ravnovesje med počitkom in zabavo. Vstopite v naš svet in se za 3 dni prepustite razvajanju in nepozabnim dogodivščinam.

Included in the package
- playable € 150
- 2 overnight stays with half board in a double room
- Free admission to the Perla entertainment centre
- Free Privilege card
- Free admission to the swimming pool and gym
- Complimentary Wi-Fi
Price per person: 350 €
- Tourist tax
- Single room: € 35/night
- Superior room: € 10/night
- Sauna: € 16 (1x 4 hours)
The package prices are valid for purchases made through the Hit websites (gift vouchers), the Contact Centre, or Hotel Receptions.
Prices are valid from 7January to 25 December 2025.
The package offer applies to members of the Privilege Club loyalty program. Membership in the club is free.
We reserve the right to change prices and programs. This offer does not apply to organized groups.
Information and booking: