HIT d.d. Nova Gorica, Slovenia
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The benefits of direct booking


Lowest price guarantee


24/7 support


Free cancellation


Exclusive offers for members

All the benefits

What are the advantages of booking directly?

Did you know that booking directly through Hit Hotels’ websites is the most cost-effective option, and it also brings you numerous other benefits? Curious about which ones?
Lowest price guarantee

By booking directly online, you are eligible for the lowest online rate as soon as you express interest in joining the loyalty club.

Pay upon arrival

You can book your stay right away, receive a booking confirmation within minutes, and only pay upon your actual arrival at the hotel.

Free cancellation or modification

You can cancel your booking for free up to 48 hours (or 24 hours) before the scheduled arrival. You can also modify the booking as needed.

Exclusive access to special offers

By booking online, and with your consent, we will regularly send you exclusive special offers for future holiday bookings under the best possible conditions.

Support for specific Requests – our contact centre advisors

Can’t book a room in the hotel or on the date you want? Have specific requests regarding your room or overall stay? Our contact centre advisors are available 24/7, ready to listen attentively and help find the best solution for you. Call anytime!

Additional questions?

How to book a transfer to the hotel? What are the most exciting excursions at the destination? Where are the best restaurants? Our contact center advisors are here to answer all your questions.