Hit Company Management Board

Sandi Brataševec
President of the Management Board
Sandi Brataševec (born 1966) holds a degree in electrical engineering and a master’s degree in business administration, with over 20 years of international experience in executive roles in public mobility and tourism companies such as Nomago, Avrigo, and Izletnik Celje. He is one of the founders of Soča Rafting. Brataševec joined Hit from Nomago, where he served as CEO from 2018 to 2022 and most recently as an advisor to the board and chair of Nomago Italia’s board of directors. He a member of the Management Board of the Slovenian Association of Travel Agencies under the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia.

Danjel Mlečnik
Member of the Management Board
Danjel Mlečnik (born 1963) has built almost his entire career with Hit. After graduating from the University of Maribor’s School of Work Organization, he joined Hit in 1989. Over the years, he has gained experience in various management roles, including 15 years at the Park Gaming and Entertainment Center, where he served as director for two years. Between 2009 and 2015, he led Hit Montenegro before moving to the Hit headquarters as head of development, and later managed the gaming and tourism sector until September 2018. Mlečnik served as interim CEO of Hit from September to December 2018, later leading strategic projects for Hit. His mandate as a board member begins on January 21, 2024.

Damjana Luin
Member of the Management Board
Damjana Luin, born in 1970, is a graduate economist currently completing postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana. She has extensive experience in accounting, controlling, and finance across various economic sectors, including large corporate systems. Luin began her career at Quick Sežana, where she soon took on the role of head of accounting. She later managed accounting, controlling, finance, and payroll at Iges in Nova Gorica, and from 2016 to 2021, she led the tax department for the Petrol Group. She joins Hit, starting her board member role on 21 January 2024, from GM svetovanje.

Alan Bofulin
Member of the Management Board and Workers’ Director
Alan Bofulin, born in 1973, holds a degree in commerce. He has been employed at Hit since 1995, beginning his career in the slot machine department at the Perla centre. Over the years, he took on roles as a valet, handler, controller, inspector, and eventually assistant manager of slot machine games. In 2014, he was elected to the Workers’ Council, which he led as chairman for the four years prior to his appointment as Workers’ Director. From 2018 to 2021, he also served as an employee representative on the Supervisory Board and as Deputy Chairman of the Board at Hit. He began his term as Workers’ Director and Management Board member on 1 September 2021.
Hit Company Supervisory Board
Savo Tatalovič, President
Uroš Radojević, Deputy President
Sandra Cvijanović, Member
Veronika Jaš Kralj, Member
Stojan Prando, Member
Roman Jerman, Member
Audit Committee
Roman Jerman, President
Stojan Prando, član
mag. Polona Pergar Guzaj, External Member
Investment and Divestment Committee (KID)
Uroš Radojević, President
Sandra Cvijanović, Member
Roman Jerman, Member
Martin Baumgartner, External Member